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Summer 2025 CORE Internship Applications
The Summer 2025 CORE Internship Application is live and open to all community college students!
If you have questions please contact Mathis Leblanc.
Due: April 1st, 2025 at Midnight
Are you interested in doing hands-on biology research this coming summer? CCOP invites you to apply for a paid internship from June 9th to August 15th where you will conduct research in a Stanford Biosciences or Biology laboratory. During this full-time position (40 hrs/wk for 10 weeks), you will work closely with a lab mentor on exciting topics such as embryonic development, stem cells, tissue regeneration, cancer, neuroscience, metabolism, gene regulation, or evolution.
DUE: April 1st, 2025 at Midnight
This summer, CCOP will support several community college (CC) students for paid, full-time research internships. We are recruiting lab mentors across the Stanford Biosciences and Biology departments. Mentors will gain valuable teaching experience and make an impact on their mentees' path in STEM. Please join us in promoting equality and increasing talent and diversity within the scientific community!
Bootcamp Applications
Stanford's Community College Outreach Program (CCOP) is hosting a 5-week virtual Summer Transfer Preparation & Career Development Bootcamp for community college students in STEM. Join us for weekly workshops with invited speakers followed by small-group feedback and advice from Stanford graduate students and scientists. Topics will include demystifying CVs and Resumes, finding scholarships and internships, and an admissions officer Q&A.
Bootcamp dates for Summer 2025 are not yet set, but the bootcamp is a six-week virtual program which will likely take place Thursday afternoons from 2:15 - 4:00 PM starting in early July and running through mid-August. Participants are invited to come to Stanford for a final in-person celebration at the conclusion.